Client Forms

After you have established contact with us, there are several steps you’ll need to take to prepare for your intake. These forms MUST be completed before the intake, or the intake will be cancelled and rescheduled upon completion. These are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Create your Patient Portal (you will receive a link from your therapist to set this up)

  2. Complete Intake Measures in your Patient Portal

  3. Read Treatment Agreement and Privacy Practices

  4. Complete New Client Forms

    Optional: Complete a Release of Information. This form gives us permission to communicate with anyone who may be involved in your treatment (e.g., psychiatrist, family member, etc.).

  5. At the bottom of this page, submit:

    • New Client Forms

    • Front-and-back images of your insurance card

    • Optional Release of Information

  6. Check with your individual therapist or email us to confirm receipt of forms

securely upload intake forms

Submit the New Client Forms and photos of your health insurance card, and we will upload them to your record.